‘Making Transformation Irresistible’ at Resonance

This workshop takes place on Wednesday 6th of September at 11am at the Lakeside Hotel as a fringe event of Resonance Festival. It is open to full festival pass holders and a limited number of additional attendees. Please note: places are limited to those who have purchased a ticket in advance. This event runs for 2.5 hours. Tea and coffee will be provided. 

Your challenge, if you choose to accept it

At this workshop, you be challenged to consider the role of creativity and innovation in our changing world. It’s the theme of our Resonance ‘Festival of Ideas’ encapsulated in a workshop challenge.

Your workshop host and innovation guide

Prof. Alberto Barreiro is Director of Transformation at The Cocktail / Wunderman Thompson Consulting and a Professor of Design Strategy at Kaospilot. Fuelled by a mission to craft a world that is not only more useful but also more beautiful and meaningful, Alberto’s expertise continues to leave indelible marks on the realms of strategy and innovation.

The workshop intent

The 2.5 hours workshop’s primary goal is to foster innovative and creative thinking about the future of Killaloe-Ballina and explores the role of Resonance ‘Festival of Ideas’ in shaping this future. We know that this will appeal to both locals and visitors – to anyone who wishes to visualise possible futures for where they live, inspired by the sharing of ideas and the power of community.  

Participants will work in groups to define an intention for a specific aspect of the town, use artificial intelligence (AI) to create a visual representation of the future, and present their vision to others.

Our desired outcome for the workshop

By the end of the workshop, participants will have collaboratively envisioned and designed future scenarios for Killaloe-Ballina and will have experienced the power of AI in helping to visualise these scenarios.

You and your team will be supported throughout

You don’t need to have an innovation background to participate – although some attendees will come with this experience. Attendees will be divided into teams with a mix of skills and experiences. In fact, the more diverse the group the better as a variety of perspectives can unearth the most original results.

Alberto will guide you through the four stages of the workshop which he calls: Immersion, Intention, Imagination and Ideation. Alberto will task you to think about the social & environmental impact of your future vision. You’ll then be encouraged to blend your creative insights with the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI). We can’t wait to see what you come up with.

What we want you to feel

We want you to walk away with an increased sense of ownership and connection to the twin towns’ future. And if you’re a visitor to Ballina-Killaloe, you will have a template for envisioning a future for where you live. We want all participants to feel part of our Resonance community, operating at the intersection of innovation and creativity, navigating toward a vision of a brighter tomorrow.

Workshop location

The Oak Room in the Lakeside Hotel, Ballina is dedicated to this innovation workshop. As you enter the hotel reception you will see our Resonance information desk – you can check on there and our volunteers will direct you to the workshop location.

The Lakeside Hotel & Leisure Centre sits on the banks of the majestic River Shannon with stunning views of the twin heritage towns of Ballina in Co. Tipperary and Killaloe in Co. Clare.  The hotel is also our primary accommodation partner for Resonance festival and has agreed preferential rates for guests who are staying for more than one night.

Workshop timing

Commencing 11 am sharp and closing at 1.30pm, we advise you to arrive early to allow for registration and time to chat! As you’ll be working up a thirst, coffee and tea will be provided.

Workshop tickets

Individual workshop-only tickets can be bought here: www.resonance-loughderg.com/tickets. Or, if you have bought a ‘full festival’ or ‘corporate bundle’ pass, then the workshop is included in those tickets.